Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree
A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea in Chai flavor features a tea cup, moringa leaves, spices, and nutritional claims. With 25 bags, this organic option is the ideal coffee alternative to energize your day.
Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree
A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea, Chai is surrounded by cinnamon sticks and a bowl of cardamom pods. Featuring organic moringa, this superfood offers an ideal coffee alternative. A cup with its tea bag steeping completes the scene.
Open brown box with three Miracle Tree Moringa Energy Tea, Chai packages, a superfood energy boost. Featuring visible green and gold labeling, they are neatly arranged side by side and make an excellent coffee alternative.
Four boxes of Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree sit on an open, flat, brown cardboard package with labels featuring a steaming cup of tea and moringa leaves.
The open cardboard box contains Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree. Each package features a green and brown label with text and a plant illustration. These organic teas, known for superfood energy, are neatly arranged as an ideal coffee alternative.

                    Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree

                    A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea in Chai flavor features a tea cup, moringa leaves, spices, and nutritional claims. With 25 bags, this organic option is the ideal coffee alternative to energize your day.

                    Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree

                    A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea, Chai is surrounded by cinnamon sticks and a bowl of cardamom pods. Featuring organic moringa, this superfood offers an ideal coffee alternative. A cup with its tea bag steeping completes the scene.

                    Open brown box with three Miracle Tree Moringa Energy Tea, Chai packages, a superfood energy boost. Featuring visible green and gold labeling, they are neatly arranged side by side and make an excellent coffee alternative.

                    Four boxes of Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree sit on an open, flat, brown cardboard package with labels featuring a steaming cup of tea and moringa leaves.

                    The open cardboard box contains Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree. Each package features a green and brown label with text and a plant illustration. These organic teas, known for superfood energy, are neatly arranged as an ideal coffee alternative.
Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree
A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea in Chai flavor features a tea cup, moringa leaves, spices, and nutritional claims. With 25 bags, this organic option is the ideal coffee alternative to energize your day.
Organic Energy Tea, Chai - Miracle Tree
A box of Miracle Trees Moringa Energy Tea, Chai is surrounded by cinnamon sticks and a bowl of cardamom pods. Featuring organic moringa, this superfood offers an ideal coffee alternative. A cup with its tea bag steeping completes the scene.
Open brown box with three Miracle Tree Moringa Energy Tea, Chai packages, a superfood energy boost. Featuring visible green and gold labeling, they are neatly arranged side by side and make an excellent coffee alternative.
Four boxes of Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree sit on an open, flat, brown cardboard package with labels featuring a steaming cup of tea and moringa leaves.
The open cardboard box contains Moringa Energy Tea, Chai by Miracle Tree. Each package features a green and brown label with text and a plant illustration. These organic teas, known for superfood energy, are neatly arranged as an ideal coffee alternative.

Thé énergisant au moringa, Chai

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Plastic Free Tea Bags

ADIEU LE CAFÉ, BONJOUR LE MORINGA ! Dynamisez votre journée avec les infusions énergétiques au moringa biologique de Miracle Tree. Profitez de ce mélange épicé et aromatique à la saveur relaxante du Chai ; éveillez tous les sens avec une touche épicée le matin pour une expérience de thé vraiment unique.

DÉCOUVREZ UNE ALTERNATIVE SAIN AU CAFÉ ! Chaque mélange contient 155 mg d'extrait de thé à la caféine biologique, ce qui en fait le substitut de café idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un regain d'énergie biologique sans nervosité ni dépression. Cette infusion rafraîchissante et délicieuse contient plus de caféine qu'une tasse de café et est alimentée par l'un des superaliments les plus riches en nutriments au monde : le moringa.

QU'EST-CE QUE LE MORINGA ? Le moringa est utilisé dans le monde entier pour lutter contre la malnutrition. C'est un aliment complet complexe sur le plan nutritionnel, naturellement riche en vitamines, minéraux et acides aminés. Les infusions énergétiques Superfood de Miracle Tree contiennent nos feuilles séchées de moringa, un superaliment primé, emballées dans des sacs pyramidaux de qualité (sans plastique) et des ingrédients de première qualité sélectionnés à la main.

DÉCOUVREZ UN NOUVEAU NIVEAU DE SUPER ALIMENTATION ! Les feuilles de Moringa contiennent plus de 90 nutriments, dont 47 antioxydants, 25 vitamines et minéraux et les 9 acides aminés essentiels. Notre Moringa est 100 % végétalien, sans gluten, sans OGM et d'origine éthique.

Energy Tea Infographic

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Nicole Brown

Moringa Energy Tea, Chai

Sherri Dyer

I have always enjoyed a good Chai tea. But this Moringa Chai is exceptional! Perfect flavor and knowing I can have natural energy to make it through work is a definite plus! And I got my husband hooked too! He's normally a coffee drinker but Chai tea is becoming his new fave!

I Love Moringa Tea's

The Chai Tea is delicious with superfood energy. This Tea will also always be in my Tea Cabinet. Try it, it will not disappoint.

Paul Tomblin
Did the formulation change?

I’ve had several boxes of this chai, and for some reason this latest one tastes different. I don’t like it as much. I don’t know what changed, but I hope it changes back before my next box.

Amazon Customer
This is a great alternative to coffee, with no caffeine effects.

I ordered the Chai, & its delicious with a little honey & flavored coffee creamer, iced or hot.

Quelle quantité de caféine contiennent vos thés énergétiques par portion ?
Quel matériau est utilisé dans vos sachets de thé pyramidaux ?
Combien de moringa y a-t-il dans 1 sachet de thé ?
Quels sont les arômes naturels répertoriés sur vos emballages ?
Je prends un médicament spécifique. Dois-je m'inquiéter d'interactions avec certains médicaments ?